The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment photo credit The Raquet Press

The Question:

What is the second amendment?

The Quote:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment of the Constitution is the one famous for giving bears their arms. Wait a second, that’s not it. It’s the one famous for giving us the right to bear arms, the right to own and use weapons. 

This amendment was written as a protective measure against Great Britain and any other tyrannical governments that may emerge. The Framers (writers of the Constitution) wanted to give the citizens a way to assemble their own army in case the country’s army was turned against them. And from that, the second amendment emerged.

The Supreme Court has seen many cases that tried to either add or remove regulations and exceptions from this amendment. As it stands currently, the government can determine who can or can not own weapons, what kind are prohibited, and where they can not bring them. However, the right itself is still valid and protected under the law. Due to the structure of the Constitution and the government itself, different states are also able to add some regulations or make it easier for others to own guns.

These discrepancies between states have led to multiple Supreme Court cases as well as fights between different groups and organizations. Some believe that less regulation is better, valuing freedom over potential safety. They do not believe that the government should have the right to regulate their weapons. Others believe that more regulation is better, valuing potential safety over freedom. They believe that the government should have the right to regulate their weapons. This political debate has been around since the amendment itself with both sides trying to sway the masses into agreeing with them.

This is what the second amendment is and what it lets people do. As always, I’m Joseph Pool, your Poolitician and thank you for plunging into politics!


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